Choose Your Venue Carefully! Selecting a venue is arguably one of the most significant decisions in the wedding planning process. It's not just a location; it's the stage where your love story unfolds complete with its own a vibe and "look". After deciding your wedding budget, the next step in planning your wedding is finding your venue. Many times couples feel a bit lost and overwhelmed once they begin searching for their venue. There are so many details to consider! A certified wedding planner is priceless and can alleviate a great deal of the angst behind choosing your venue. The first thing a trained professional wedding planner will do is meet to discuss your specific needs and preferences. They consider the theme, guest count, activities for your wedding guests, and special requirements like accessibility to offer you the most suitable options. Our certified wedding and event planner at Event-Serendipity will expertly match you with a venue that not only has the look you want but also fits within your budget. We know the hidden costs venues may add. We know the just right questions to ask the venue before booking with them. And best of all, you get through the process of choosing your venue so much faster with a trained professional guiding you. Event-Serendipity certified wedding planners are also certified travel agents as well and have a wealth of experience at local venues as well as destination venues. For instance, in a city as vibrant and diverse as Houston, your choices might seem endless, but remember, not all venues are created equal. That's why it's crucial to choose wisely, and here's where we can help. Our Venue Finder Package can get your wedding planning going in the just right direction. A destination wedding in another country can be tricky; but we have your back. Event-Serendipity specializes in destination planning packages! Destiny is our planning package offering destination venue finding, guest booking services, and more. We can work with you no matter where you live to plan your wedding! You get engaged, hire a wedding planner, create your budget, then book your venue. So whether you're looking to tie the knot in the Houston area or anywhere globally, let's find you a venue that’s not just a location, but an amazing space that expresses your personality, your style, and the importance of your wedding day.
